Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Little Engine That Is Having Doubts

I'm trying to keep the mantra in my head of, "I think I can, I think I can" but honestly, I'm really afraid that I can't. My notes are scattered out in front of me. I'm in love with my story and my characters but I'm terrified that I can't get it all together.

The outline for one thing makes me feel like I'm some kind of scattered brained ditz. Really, I know where I want my story to go and when I want it to go, but for the first time, I'm having a hard time expressing that in words. I feel like my mind is all a jumble and it can't keep up with my pen.

Then I'm reading like a maniac! From every "words of wisdom" from published authors to aspiring ones I've heard the same piece of advice given: Read everything you can put your hands on. Yeah, well I'm doing just that and I'm still feeling like I can't do it. How can I be that crafty? Or witty? Or clever? How, how, HOW can I possibly do this?

Nano is only a few short months away and I'm beginning to have serious doubts that I'll have my ducks in a row. In any other story I've written I've never experienced this problem. I've been able to map out my story and start writing. Now, I feel like I need boards with people's faces on them and places and dates. Why am I suddenly acting like this? Is it because I want this book to be something? Something more than a blurb on my computer? Something people will blog about and rec on Goodreads? Because these are my characters and not someone's I've borrowed?

Seriously, I'm freaking out. This weekends project will probably consist of white boards and glue and sharpie markers. Actually, that kind of makes me feel a little better.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing everything right! Some people write by the seat of their pants, others need outlines, character bios, time lines, etc. (I'm a fan of the outlines, etc). The best thing to do is get as organized as you can and then let the words flow. Your outline and characters will probably change as you write... just go with it :)
